Estudios de literatura

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2011

Situation assessment of the HIV response among young people in Zambia

The main objective of this situational assessment is to compile and synthesize existing recent information on HIV and young people together with the current AIDS response for young people in Zambia, including programmes, policies, and key partners, and to document gaps and challenges in the respo

Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2012

Review of homophobic bullying in educational institutions

This review has two key purposes: 1. increase understanding of the nature, scale and impact of homophobic bullying in educational institutions; 2. identify effective and appropriate action, based upon documented good practice.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2009

Transphobia in Ireland: research report

This report is a comprehensive review of Irish literature, policy and documentation on the handling of transphobia and transphobic incidents in an Irish context. It assesses what methods have been used to document and deal with such incidents at government and non-governmental levels, if any.

Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2006

Gender and Sexuality/HIV Education

Sex/HIV education curricula have disparate effects for females and males. Review of 59 rigorous sex ed evaluations from the U.S. and developing countries. After omitting single sex programs, programs with no effect, and programs that changed only knowledge, 38 remained (25 U.S.