The Year 7 Teacher Guides outline the key components of the Kiribati Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) curricula in each subject area. They are designed to help subject-specialist teachers to implement the Year 7 syllabus in their subject.
The syllabus states the learning objectives for the subject and the learning outcomes for the topics or units and outlines the content and skills that students will learn. The guidebooks present the learning outcomes in each syllabus along with guidance and resources such as background information, expectations for planning and teaching and suggested teaching and assessment strategies. The JSS curricula have been written to be student-centered. It is expected that teachers will plan their teaching and learning activities by first knowing, and then taking account of, students’ current knowledge, skills, and readiness. The Teacher Guides do not provide a full set of lesson-by-lesson directions for teachers. This would not account for the differences between schools, classes and students and their readiness for particular new learnings. Teachers must plan their lessons according to the needs of their students. The Teacher Guides will be supplemented by additional support materials and a teacher professional development (TPD) program.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação