Legislating Change, Financing Futures: Advancing ECOWAS Homegrown School Feeding through Commitment, Collaboration, Innovation, and Investment

Conference Reports
36 p.
Title other languages
Légiférer le changement, Financer l'avenir : Faire progresser l'alimentation scolaire basée sur la production locale dans l'espace CEDEAO par l'engagement, la collaboration, l'innovation et l'investissement
Legislar a mudança, financiar futuros: Promover a alimentação escolar caseira da CEDEAO através do compromisso, colaboração, inovação e investimento

The second ECOWAS Regional Technical Conference on Homegrown School Feeding (HGSF), held in Dakar from May 21–23, 2024, brought together around 120 participants from ECOWAS and non-ECOWAS countries, alongside partners from international organizations and major financial institutions like the IsDB, AfDB, and World Bank. Co-hosted by the World Food Programme (WFP), the conference focused on ensuring costed national commitments backed by innovative financing mechanisms, sharing best practices to inspire effective strategies, and promoting knowledge exchange with robust monitoring to track progress. This collaborative effort reaffirmed regional and international commitments to advancing sustainable school feeding initiatives.
