Life Skills Based Education in schools; World Population Foundation’s (WPF) flagship programme in Pakistan, is a channel to provide information and skills on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights to the young people and empower them to adopt safe health‐seeking behaviors and protect themselves from abuse, exploitation, drugs and disease. Purpose of the Evaluation: The main objective of the evaluation was to assess the programme performance against its functional objectives i.e. development of a rights based comprehensive sexuality education programme (design); development and implementation of a need based LSBE curriculum and training manual (implementation); sustainability of the intervention; and contribution towards the integration of LSBE in national secondary schools’ curriculum. The evaluation involved an extensive analysis of the design and implementation of LSBE project during the last five years i.e., 2006‐2010. Methodology: For the purpose of evaluation, programme was assessed for its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Five of the 12 programme districts were selected through purposive sampling. Field visits were carried out to the five sampled districts, where focus group discussions, in‐depth interviews, and informal group discussions were conducted, while the quantitative findings are based on the pre and post tests carried out with LSBE students. Desk review of the similar initiatives in the country and region further enriched the evaluation team’s understanding of LSBE project and was used during analysis of results.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação