Theatre for a Change's (TfaC) education program implemented a two-year project from 2014-2016 called Tiphunzitsane, Let's Teach each other!". The program aims at improving the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) of pre-service teachers in seven targeted Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) as well as improving the life chances of primary school children located in ten primary schools surrounding six of the targeted TTCs. This endline evaluation shows that the Tiphunzitsane project improved across most indicators of Sexual Reproductive Health knowledge, attitudes and practices of Core and Peer Group pre-service teachers as well as primary learners when compared to the 2015 baseline results and often also against baseline data from 2014. Beyond empowering teachers and learners with improved SRH knowledge; TfaC enabled them to make informed decisions; overcome peer pressure, better manage conflicts, set realistic goals in life and raise their self-esteem.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación