MEMA kwa Vijana is an adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme, working in schools, health facilities and communities in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Its goal is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in this region and beyond. MEMA kwa Vijana has over 10 years of research and implementation experience. The documents have been developed for teachers' use after they have received training, without the need for additional teaching aids or books. However, they have been written in a simple manner to make it easier for teachers who have not received training to use in the classroom. The purpose of the programme is to help young people to: understand the changes that their bodies go through during puberty; resist peer pressure; delay their first experience of sex; understand AIDS and STIs and know how they can be avoided; avoid unplanned pregnancies; detect the symptoms of STIs; and understand the importance of getting early treatment in order to avoid the long-term effects of these diseases. The documents are divided into chapters, which take 40 minutes each. The following themes are covered throughout the course: sexually transmitted infections; HIV and AIDS; contraceptives; sexual and reproductive health; pregnancy and menstruation; gender; current life skills. The programme brings together different teaching techniques to improve life skills, such as story-telling, flipchart prictures, competitions, drama, simulation and role-play to create and exciting and stimulating learning environment.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación