Between 2011 and 2013, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Jamaica, the Ministry of Education Guyana adjusted its HFLE curriculum guides for Grades 1 – 9 to suit the Guyana landscape. However a further cursory review of these adjusted guides suggested that 5 issues of concern to Guyana, (Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Sexual Abuse Prevention, Violence Prevention, Drug Use Avoidance, and Suicide Prevention) might not have been adequately addressed even in the adjusted guides. This led to a more detailed review by a range of stakeholders from the education sector with the subsequent identification of existing content and content that should be included. The stakeholders represented current HFLE teachers and DEOs from all 10 Regions and Georgetown as well as all grades from Grade 1 – 9. The ACEOs (for Nursery, Primary and Secondary), the Chief Welfare Officer, Head Teachers, the HFLE Lecturer from CPCE, as well as the heads of the 3 HFLE sub-units also participated in the working sessions. However since new HFLE themes could not be created, all new content had to be subsumed into the existing 4 themes. The current curriculum guides have been adjusted in 2016.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación