This book is designed to help you train student teachers in HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. These are important and challenging subjects for teachers. The course will: Be based on the Personal Development and Health subjects in primary schools; Be honest, accurate and "tok stret" about HIV, STIs and reproductive health; Be practical, student centred and participatory; Be sensitive to the feelings, backgrounds and culture of teachers; Follow the guidelines of the National Department of Education (DoE) Policy on HIV/AIDS and the gender policy; Promote a life skills approach based on universal human values of care, love and respect; Be written by Papua New Guinean teachers for Papua New Guinean teachers. The Lecturer's Guide is designed to be used with the Student Teacher Course Book which contains the facts, figures, extracts, a sample unit of work and a wide range of self study tasks. The Lecturer's Guide is written as a training manual and divided into hour-long participatory sessions for trainees.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación