The USAID-funded Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children affected by HIV/AIDS project (referred to as Kenya OVC Track I from here onwards) was a six-month follow-on award to the five-year Breaking Barriers Project, implemented in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia, that ended in September 2010. Kenya OVC Track 1 continued to build on the Breaking Barrier project in Kenya to support orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Nairobi, Siaya, and Kisumu counties in the country. During the project period from October 1 2010 to March 31 2011, the project sought to increase OVC access to education, psychosocial support (PSS), and home-based care (HBC) by strengthening existing educational and religious institutions, resources and infrastructures. Kenya OVC Track 1 worked with communities, government and a broad network of faith-based communities in Kenya to: Create a supportive institutional and societal environment for OVC and other children affected by HIV and AIDS by coordinating the efforts of teachers, caregivers, faith communities and OVC themselves; Equip teachers and caregivers with an integrated set of psycho-support skills to counsel children on coping with parental illness or death; Enhance the capacity of CBOs and FBOs to strengthen the capacity of both FBO and school-community coalitions to facilitate linkages between OVC households to other critical health and material support services; Train a wide range of local community, religious and government leaders in advocacy skills to promote and strengthen the partnership between people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHA) and community groups, to raise local awareness and reduce HIV and AIDS related stigma towards affected children and families in the community; and Strengthen community-led economic and advocacy initiatives for sustainability for OVC care and support.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación