The National HIV/AIDS Policy for the Education Sector formalises the rights and responsibilities of every person involved, directly or indirectly, in the education sector with regard to HIV and AIDS: the learners, their parents and care givers, educators, managers, administrators, support staff and civil society. This (policy) national strategy will provide a framework to implement and monitor and evaluate the impact of its HIV/AIDS interventions and the effects of HIV/AIDS on its labour force over time. Through the implementation of the National HIV/AIDS Policy for the Education Sector, the Ministry of Education reconfirms its commitment to mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector including learners, educators and all sector employees. The Ministry of Education is committed to provide the leadership required for the implementation of all that is outlined in the strategy (policy) document. The Ministry of Education will implement programmes in its learning institutions and administrative offices throughout Zambia, to prevent and control the spread of HIV/AIDS, to promote care for those who are infected and affected, and to reduce the socio-economic impact of the epidemic. The National HIV/AIDS Policy for the Education Sector is an interim measure while awaiting the National Policy on HIV/AIDS and the strategy will be revised to suit guidelines and provisions provided in the National Policy once released.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación