The objectives of this strategy include: Determining and providing educational, social and support services that match the prevalent needs by an appropriately resourced, competent and skilled workforce working within a supportive environment; Determining and providing adequate, accessible and equitable health services that match the prevalent needs by an appropriately resourced, competent and skilled workforce working within a supportive environment; Identification of the role and contribution of the media as a tool to inform and educate all the members of the population on all aspects of sexual health, including the provision of an appropriate channel that can be used to help individuals to develop the skills needed to make informed choices; Establishing pathways and implementing initiatives to conduct research, monitoring and surveillance to secure accurate data specifically pertaining to the Maltese islands. This will also involve the collation of information to be able to map the social, cultural and religious dimensions of sexuality, within our specific national context; Enhancing the capacity to project and plan to address the challenges of the future and developing further co-operation with other countries and partnerships with stakeholders.
Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación