
Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2023

National guidelines for school meals Sweden

Many countries around the world provide school lunches, but Sweden is unique in offering them for free. In Sweden hot school lunches are provided to all students ages 6 to 16 and most students ages 16 to 19, five days a week.

Programme Reports & Evaluations
Programme Reports & Evaluations | 2021

Education à la sexualité en milieu scolaire

Presque cinquante après, le périmètre de l’EAS est très large, peut-être trop large − aux enjeux de santé publique se sont ajoutés des enjeux sociaux et sociétaux forts en matière d’égalité et de protection de l’enfance.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2024

Perspectives on Bullying Behaviour (2023)

In line with the commitments outlined in the Cineáltas Action Plan on Bullying, this report addresses three key questions: What are the views of children and young people, parents, teachers and principals on the work undertaken by their schools to prevent and address bullying behaviour?

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2024

Expanding the national school meals programme in Ukraine

For over a century, countries have implemented school meals programmes to support pupils’ well-being, promote school attendance and academic performance, and provide a strong return on investment for their economies and future human capital.