The manual is based on the principle that advocacy strategies and methods can be learned. It is organized around a well-developed model-tested over time and within diverse cultures-for accomplishing advocacy objectives. The components of the model are the same regardless of the advocacy goals-whether for a campaign to secure a national law protecting women's rights, to increase the range of contraceptive methods available, or to secure local funding for a new primary school. The building blocks of advocacy are the formation of networks, the identification of political opportunities, and the organization of campaigns. The manual includes a section on each of these building blocks, with specific subjects presented in individual units. Each section begins with a general introduction to the topic. Units within each section contain background notes, learning objectives, and handouts. The approximate time required to complete each unit is indicated as are the needed materials and preparation. Within each unit, activities such as role-plays, discussions, and brainstorming are presented to help participants internalize their learning. Each unit concludes with a brief summary and a preview of the next unit.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación