"Teaching sexuality and life-skills" is part of the Our future series of pupils' and teachers' books published by International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 2008 . These resources are aimed at teachers and anyone else interested in teaching sexuality and life skills in the community; for example, peer educators, health practitioners, traditional and religious leaders and parents. The series is a result of collaborative work with trainers, teachers and sexual and reproductive health experts in Zambia. The guide contains information and activities to encourage users to try out ideas in the classroom and feel confident to plan and facilitate sexuality and life skills lessons. The content of this manual is the following: 1) Introduction; 2) Sexuality and life-skills education; 3) Working with the whole school site; 4) Planning lessons; 5) How to facilitate skills-based learning; 6) Learning activities; 7) Teachers guide (grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9); 8) Resources; 9) Sexuality and life-skills monitoring tool. This guide aims to: equip teachers with the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to plan and facilitate effective sexuality and life-skills lessons; motivate teachers to take responsibility for their learners' sexual and reproductive well-being and create caring schools; help teachers to understand and appreciate the concept of the whole school site and how to implement this approach. The guide includes information on the concept and practice of sexuality and life-skills education; working with the whole school and community; planning lessons; how to facilitate skills-based learning; learning methodologies; and objectives and guidance for teachers on the topics and activities in the pupils books for each grade. The guide serves as a training manual and a reference book for teachers and community educators who want to facilitate topics and activities from the 'Our Future' books in or out of school.
Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación