Safeguard Young People (SYP), UNFPA ESARO’s flagship youth programme, has been implemented by UNFPA and its national and regional partners in eight Southern African countries since November 2013. SYP aims to empower adolescents and young people aged 10 to 24 years to lead healthy lives and to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, early marriages, gender-based violence and harmful cultural practices. At the same time, SYP promotes inclusiveness, gender equitable norms and protective behaviours. The SYP best practices documented here have been implemented for periods varying between three and six years. During this time, SYP has assessed the results and reprogrammed to ensure full alignment to the underpinning theory of change. With a clear description of strategies selected, lessons learned, what worked and what didn’t work, the step-by-step implementation processes documented here allow these best practices to be adapted and scaled up in different settings.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación