Starting in recent proposal rounds, The Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) has stated more explicitly that countries can include reproductive health as part of their proposal on AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, as long as a justification is provided on the impact of reproductive health (RH) on reducing one of the three diseases. Grounded in the research, programmatic and policy literature on linkages and integration, as well as successful country proposals that include integration, this document seeks to answer four main questions: 1. What is integration? 2. Given a country's context, what policies and programs could be linked and integrated? 3. What are the implementation challenges to integration to be aware of when writing a proposal? 4. How can integration be monitored and evaluated? The document also provides the evidence that integration with RH can make a difference to HIV/ AIDS outcomes.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación