Young people face a variety of reproductive health risks: sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, early and unintended pregnancy, sexual abuse and exploitation. Family Life Education (FLE) in Fiji Islands is a long-term intervention strategy to deliver age-appropriate information and education on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in schools. This pre-intervention study examined the associations of gender, religion and ethnicity with SRH knowledge, attitudes and perceived behaviour of peers in a sample of school-age adolescents. A survey of 447 students from 13 to 15 years of age was conducted in nine schools in Fiji Islands and was described and analysed for statistically significant associations of their responses with their gender, religion and ethnicity. Its purpose was to identify potential indicators to serially evaluate the FLE curriculum. The study revealed the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of peer behaviours among the sample schoolchildren, and identified gaps in their knowledge, room for attitudinal and skills development and a general lack of awareness of sexual health risks. Consistent with the research purpose, the findings from this baseline study can provide longitudinal indicators to evaluate the impact of the FLE programme.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación