8 p.
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Prévenir les grossesses précoces et leurs conséquences en matière de santé reproductive chez les adolescentes dans les pays en développement : les faits
Prevenir el embarazo precoz y los resultados reproductivos adversos en adolescentes en los países en desarrollo: las evidencias
Предупреждение ранней беременности и профилактика нарушений репродуктивного здоровья среди подростков в развивающихся странах. ПРИЗ ЫВ К ДЕЙСТВИЮ
These guidelines are primarily intended for programme managers, technical advisors and researchers from governments, nongovernmental organizations, development agencies and academia. They are also likely to be of interest to public health practitioners, professional associations and civil society groups. They have been developed through a systematic review of existing research and input from experts from countries around the world, in partnership with many key international organizations working to improve adolescents’ health. Similar partnerships have been forged to distribute them widely and support their use.
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