The GTZ supported Reproductive Health Project of Tanzania developed youth-friendly education materials, with basic facts about human physiology and reproduction, sexuality, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and HIV/STIs, as well as about partnership and communication between partners. Based on the most frequently asked questions adolescents had on a range of sexual and reproductive health issues, a multidisciplinary team of specialists together with young people de-veloped six "question-and-answer" booklets. This document is the fifth one in the serie and deals with 29 questions about adolescence and healthy relationships. Some of the questions asked are the following : "Which contraceptive method is best for a sexually active teenager?", "What types of sexuality transmitted diseases exist and what are their symptoms?", "How long does it take between infection and the outbreak of a sexually transmitted disease?", "Is there any medical treatment for sexually transmitted diseases?", or "How can I withstand the temptation to have sex without a condom?"... All of the questions in this booklet have been collected in recent years by counsellors and researchers working with adolescents. The youth originate from different regions of Tanzania and their ages range from 11 to 20 years. Some questions would need updates. The answers vary on length but all provide clear, precise and unbiased information on the matter concerned.
Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación