The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) has a 'latent' HIV epidemic, with rates of HIV estimated at just 0.2 per cent of the total population aged between 15-49 years of age. However, because of its location in the heart of the Mekong, surrounded by countries with high rates of HIV in concentrated epidemics, Lao PDR is believed to be "in danger of an expanding epidemic". More than 50 per cent of the population of Lao PDR is below the age of 20 and adolescents and young people engaged in highrisk behaviour for HIV are an emerging priority across Asia and the Pacific. In order to contribute to an understanding of how to effectively include adolescents and young people at risk of HIV into the National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS, STI 2011-2015 UNICEF Lao PDR, with the support of the Lao Youth Union and the Centre for HIV/AIDS, STI and UNICEF Asia and Pacific Shared Services Center (APSSC) commissioned this preliminary investigation which summarizes what was found in relation to the behaviours, attitudes and social characteristics of adolescents and young people engaged in high-risk behaviour for HIV in Lao PDR.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación