This is an HIV, STI and teenage pregnancy prevention curriculum targeting high-school students (Grades 9 to 12, ages 14 to 18). It is designed to be incorporated into a broader family life or health education programme. This evidence-based curriculum has been thoroughly evaluated. Reducing the Risk promotes abstinence as the most effective means of preventing HIV, STIs and teen pregnancy, but also advocates the use of contraception and condoms for individuals who choose to be sexually active. The 16 sessions of the programme are divided into lectures, discussions and an extensive practice of role-play, to help students integrate the skills (communication, refusal, etc.) that are necessary to remain abstinent or avoid unprotected sex. The purpose of this programme is to help prevent HIV, STIs and teenage pregnancy in high-school students through abstinence, as well as safer sex and condom use promotion. The curriculum is divided into 16 sessions that are one-hour long on average. Each session has lectures and discussions, with a strong emphasis on role-play. The main themes developed in the programme include: preventing HIV, STIs and teenage pregnancy; abstinence; using and obtaining contraception and condoms; communication skills, refusal skills and delaying tactics.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación