This is an in-school HIV, STI and pregnancy prevention programme targeting high-school students. It aims to help young people delay sex initiation and, if they have sex, to use condoms and minimise the number of sexual partners. An important feature of Safer Choices is its school-wide approach. The programme is not limited to an in-class curriculum but also involves teachers, parents, community members and students through a peer leader component. This broader approach is designed to strengthen the influence of the Safer Choices message and to increase the support available to young people when they make choices regarding their sexual lives. The course is divided into sessions of at least 45 minutes. There are 11 sessions for Level 1 and 10 sessions for Level 2. The programme focuses on activities such as role-play, games, small-group activities and guided discussions facilitated by the teacher and class peer leaders. Throughout the curriculum, the emphasis is on abstinence as the safest sexual choice and on refusal skills to enable students to have this choice respected. If students decide to have sex, they are encouraged to systematically use condoms and contraception. The following manuals are necessary for implementing this programme: Implementation Manual; Facilitator's Manual for Level 1 (with optional student workbook); Facilitator's Manual for Level 2 (with optional student workbook); Peer Leader Training Guide (with optional student workbook). The main themes covered in this programme include: making safer choices and avoiding unsafe choices; deciding not to have sex and practising refusal skills to enforce this choice; using condoms and contraception consistently and correctly; persons living with HIV; unplanned pregnancy; HIV and STIs; examining media influences.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación