This brief highlights the outputs of the Global Working Group to End SRGBV’s Expert Working Group, which references the existing sources of data and measures of SRGBV and suggests several ways to improve the body of evidence. The ultimate aim of data gathering on school violence is to design more effective policies and programmes to prevent and respond to violence at all levels, with a whole-school approach. It is therefore necessary to apply a gender transformative lens that recognizes the gender norms and stereotypes fuelling school violence, so that harmful norms and power imbalances can be explicitly addressed in the school environment. It is equally important to address current gaps in the evidence base, particularly related to school-related sexual violence, as well as data on perpetrators, bystanders, location of violence. Various sources of data already exist and can be examined to help estimate the prevalence of SRGBV. However improved harmonisation between data sources, the systematic inclusion of standardised indicators in national surveys, and strengthened coordination would all contribute to more robust and comparable data across different contexts.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación