This review is a synthesis of situation-response analyses (SRA) on the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health undertaken in five countries: Brunei Darussalam (2012), Indonesia (2010), Malaysia (2012), the Philippines (2012) and Timor-Leste (2012). The five SRAs were developed and supported by UNESCO Jakarta (Regional Office for Science and Cluster office for Education) in close consultation with the Ministry of Education (MoE) of each country and in most cases have received official statements of endorsement from each respective ministry. The report provides an overview of the current state of HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health activities in the education sector in the five countries; identifies the policies, programmes and resources for HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health education that are missing or weak in the education sector. It also provides evidence-based information for future education sector HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health education planning and prioritisation; and makes recommendations on where to properly allocate resources to support the missing or weak responses. The five SRAs used broadly similar methodologies to review education sector policies, strategies, capacities and programmes in the area of HIV, drugs and sexual health education. The methods included desk research, curriculum review, interviews with key informants and focus group discussions. The Philippines SRA also included a knowledge and attitude test and SWOT analysis. This review was commissioned and facilitated by the UNESCO Office, Jakarta and funded by the UNAIDS Unified Budget and Work-Plan (UBW).
Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación