This review of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual and reproductive health in Timor- Leste aimed to examine the present policy and programmatic response in the sector, to identify gaps and to propose recommendations to support the response. The review was carried out mainly through the use of desk research and interviews with stakeholders. The education sector response to HIV, drugs, sexual and reproductive health education has been very limited to date. In summary, while there is low HIV prevalence, there is no room for complacency. There is a need to educate young people about HIV, STIs and drugs. HIV, drugs and sexual health are being integrated in the national curriculum for secondary education (Health, Science, Civic Education, Religion and Moral Education), but teaching and learning materials are lacking, while teachers have not been adequately trained. HIV, drugs and sexuality are also included in pre-secondary education in Physical and Natural Science. The Ministry of Education (MoE) is committed to making schools safe and healthy places through implementing the Child Friendly Schools concept.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación