This report presents the results of fieldwork that was conducted for the UNFPA-commissioned project State of the Art Diagnosis on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Suriname. The Right to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is inherent in various human rights agreements and political declarations, which establish the right of young people to education and information about sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and HIV. The present assessment analyzes what international and national organizations in Suriname execute activities in support of CSE; what are their goals and activities; what has been the impact of their work; where are gaps; and what strengths and challenges can be identified in providing CSE to Suriname youth. The assessment provides key inputs for the development of UNFPA’s 5-year work plan on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), which is intended to contribute to the rights of Caribbean adolescents and youth to live a fulfilling sexual life, healthy and free from discrimination.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación