This report examines sexuality and children's rights in relation to the HIV epidemic in selected countries of Africa. The study is grounded in the principle laid down in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The report summarizes literature on children's perspectives and opinions on the issue of sexuality and related concerns. It shows that some of the policies and programmes directed toward children are using messages that do not correspond to children's reality. It emphasizes that children need information free from moral and judgmental positions, and they need to be treated with respect when talking about sexuality issues. The document is developed around eight questions: 1) What are children's preferred long-term strategies of protection against HIV/AIDS? 2) What are children's perceptions of sexual and reproductive health services? 3) What are children's perceptions of in-school HIV preventive education and counselling? 4) What are children's perceptions of community-based HIV preventive education and counseling? 5) What are children's perceptions of HIV preventive information in the media? 6) What are children's awareness and view of transactional sex? 7) What is the situation of children who express sexuality outside of the heterosexual norm? and 8) What are children's understandings of the "Abstinence, Be Faithful, Condoms" concept? The report provides an overview of the concept of sexuality and summarises available literature regarding children's strategies for dealing with sexuality and relationships with respect to HIV and AIDS. It reinforces the importance of engaging with children on the issue of sexuality, especially in the context of HIV and AIDS.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación