This Toolkit shares information, tools, activities, and skills building ideas and methods to support organisations and individuals to better understand the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) in HIV and gender-based violence work in their communities. This Toolkit provides a means to disseminate information pertaining to African sexualities, human sexuality and sexual minorities. It specifically addresses how sexual orientation and gender identity relates to and interconnects with HIV and gender based violence. It contains several parts: i) Introduction sheet; ii) African Manifesto on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI); iii) A Facilitators Handbook: Integrating LGBT Issues into HIV & GBV Prevention; iv) Your Know Much More Booklet on Frequently Asked Questions and Myths & Misconceptions; v) Ensuring LGBTI Rights and Protection as Human Rights; vi) Booklet:HIV & GBV Prevention for Lesbian & Bisexual Women; vii) Booklet: HIV & GBV for Gay & Bisexual Men; viii) Booklet: HIV & GBV Prevention for Transgender People; ix) Booklet: HIV & GBV Prevention for Intersex People; and x) CD with presentations to support training.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación