This document is a training manual designed to help facilitator to provide sexuality education (human sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, rights and responsibilities). This training manual was produced and revised by Girl's power initiative (GPI), a Nigerian NGO in 2003. In general, GPI focus on assisting the girls to achieve personal empowerment and to reject inequality; building their leadership skills to overcome subservient roles and take on active engagement on equal basis with their male peers; educating them to take actions to overcome risks to their health arising from gender violence and discrimination. It is assumed that adolescents need to receive clear, protective messages about sexual decision-making, because they need to hear affirming messages about healthy relationships and healthy sexuality. The curriculum also emphasizes the role of facilitators and give some tips on facilitating skills. This training manual (level 1) is for all beginners, whatever the age at registration. Thus the methods of training will be different depending if the girls are 10-14 years old or above 15 years. The method used in the curriculum is participative : it promotes the realization of different activities such as ice-breaker, role-play, brainstorming, small group discussions, story lines or case studies, myths and facts.... The contents are : preface, Girl's power initiative Nigeria, background and guiding concepts, guiding principles, key strategies in GPI programmes, GPI information, education and services, introduction, 1) knowing about GPI, 2) human sexuality, 3) self-esteem, 4) vision and goal setting, 5) violence against girls, 6) adolescence, 7) values clarification, 8) friendship and love, 9) knowing me, knowing you, 10) feelings, 11) gender and leadership roles, 12) rights and responsibilities. Each chapter is divided into several sequences: goal, objectives, concepts/common beliefs, materials, activity/time, lesson sequence (opening, ice-breakers, activities, evaluation, closing, action assignment), technical information, reference. This curriculum does not mention HIV and AIDS but is more related to life skills in general.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación