This book is designed by the NGO "Young people we care" to encourage and help groups of young people to support younger children, their peers and adults who are living in communities and households affected by AIDS. It was published in 2005 in Zimbabwe. It can also be used by organisations that want to encourage young people to support their home-based care activities or organisations assisting children affected by AIDS. Young people we care is for use by any group of young people aged 15-24 years. This docment aims to provide encouragement and ideas to help young people be active members of their community; promote values and practices that will reduce stigma and discrimination against people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS; help people living with HIV and children affected by AIDS live better lives. There are three sections in this document. The "before you start" section provides informations to help organisations working with young people to plan ahead, before beginning any training. The "Training guide" section is written for a facilitator or young person with a good knowledge of HIV and AIDS and facilitation experience. The training guide aims to prepare a group of young people to implement the "Community Activities" in the third section. This third section includes the kinds of activities that young people will actually do in the community including helping families of those who are sick with household chore and care for the children, helping children to grieve, helping to overcome stigma in the community and many more activities. The appendices deal with 5 big themes: A. Games to play with children; B. Tips for caring in the Home; C. Assessing your programme; D. Acknowledgements. E. Guide to other resources.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación