The paper provides a synthesis of the findings from a 13-country study of adolescent and youth reproductive health issues, policies, and programmes in Asia and Near East (ANE) region. The countries include Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Yemen in the Near East; Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka in South Asia; and Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam in Southeast Asia. The purpose of the assessments was to highlight the reproductive health status of adolescents and youth in each country within the context of the lives of young males and females. The document discusses the social context that set girls and boys in the ANE region on different life paths; the sexual, reproductive health, and STI/HIV/AIDS issues facing young people; the countries' policies and programmes; operational policy barriers to addressing adolescent and youth reproductive health; and recommendations for policies and programmes in the region.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation