HIV/AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV).According to Ministry of Health, in Ethiopia the highest prevalence of HIV is seen in the age group 15-24 years. VCT is internationally acknowledged as essential strategic for HIV prevention and also entry point to AIDS care.Voluntary counseling and testing is vitally important and one of the national strategy to control HIV/AIDS epidemics especially among young adults. To assess knowledge, attitude and practice toward HIV voluntary counseling and testing among students of Jimma Teachers Training College, in Jimma town, Oromia regional, state south western Ethiopia. A cross sectional study was conducted at Jimma teacher training college from February 10-12, 2014. The students were selected by simple random sampling after; proportion allocation to the streams and departments was done by taking the stream and departments as strata. Data was collected by using structured self administered questionnaire, Data was complied, summarized and analyzed manually using scientific calculator, results were presented using graph and tables. A total of 281 students participated in the study, 151(53.7%) were females, 130(46.3%) were between 20-24 years of age. 200(71.2%) were from rural and 90(33.8%) were Muslim, majority 235(83.63%) were Oromo and more than half 170(60.5%) were single. All 281 (100%) of respondents reported ever heard about VCT, majority 138(49.1%) obtained information from health personnel, 245 (87.2%) were knowledgeable about VCT. Two hundred seventy four 274(97.35) agreed that VCT service is necessary, 39(14%) have negative attitude towards VCT. One hundred forty eight (52.7%) not utilized VCT, and the reason was, 53(35.81%) due to doubt about confidentiality, and 45(30.05%) due to fear of positive results. Majority of the respondents were knowledgeable and favorable attitude towards VCT, however more than half of them have not under gone VCT. A well equipped counseling service is necessary. It needs to have professional persons who are experienced in guiding and counseling students, to encourage students to pre-test counseling, HIV test uptake and post test counseling.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation