This is the second Education Sector Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS for 2008 – 2012 (ESSPHA II). It is the overarching strategy for all HIV and AIDS interventions in Education Sector whether implemented by Government, civil society, the private sector or development partners. It outlines the Education Sector’s strategic plans to address the challenges presented by HIV and AIDS. The strategic plans are situated within the context of the mandate and structure of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), the ongoing response to HIV and AIDS, national and international commitments to combat and mitigate its impacts. The purpose of the Education Sector Strategic Plan ESSP-HA is to provide strategic focus, accelerate the response of the education sector at all levels, protect learners and education service providers, enhance effective implementation of programmes to reduce new HIV and AIDS cases, and mitigate its impact in the sector. Section One presents an overview of the process of developing the Education Sector Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS (ESSP-HA) and its purpose. Section Two presents an overview of the current state, the impact of the pandemic and the sector’s response. It summarises the implementation of ESSP I for 2003 – 2007, identifies the current situation, achievements, challenges and lessons learned. Section Three describes the development of the new ESSP-HA II for the period 2008-2012. It provides policy and structural context within which it is developed. Section Four presents the institutional and management framework and structures that will oversee implementation of the plan. Roles and responsibilities of different actors are laid out.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation