Sex workers are amongst those most affected by HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues in Ethiopia. Stigma and discrimination towards sex workers affects their ability to access SRHR information, education and services. In 2014, the Link Up project in Ethiopia implemented a model of peer education and outreach to empower young people who sell sex (aged 15 – 24 years) and increase their access to HIV and SRHR services. The Link Up project seeks to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people most affected by HIV. In Ethiopia, the project is led by the Organisation for Support Services for AIDS (OSSA) in partnership with Marie Stopes International Ethiopia (MSIE), Family Guidance Association Ethiopia (FGAE), National Network of Positive Women in Ethiopia, Nikat Charitable Association, Talent Youth Association, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs. OSSA works through its 11 branches to offer information and education in communities, to support youth-led programming and policy work, to make referrals for clinical services, and to strengthen the capacity of service providers to offer youth-friendly and high quality services.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation