A Guide for Talking with Young People about their Reproductive Health, is a document elaborated by PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), USAID, and Population Council in 2005. It is part of the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health Project's (KARHP) Tuko Pamoja (We are Together) series. The document provides some key methods to introduce the important subject of reproductive health to adolescents. It develops relevant issues such as reproductive physiology and puberty, protective behavior, including abstinence and contraceptives, and the responsibilities and consequences that come with sexual activity. It promotes support, discussion and attention to young people as well as ensuring they have access to accurate information which will help them understand the wide range of changes they are experiencing during puberty, and make this transition period easier. It discusses the following topics: (1) Adolescence; (2) What are Your Values?; (3) Being Youth Friendly; (4) Talking with Young People; (5) Talking about Sexuality with Young People; (6) Effective Communication; (7) Facilitating a Group Discussion; (8) Ten Tips for Facilitating a Discussion; (9) Talking about Uncomfortable Topics; (10) Puberty; (11) Sexuality; (12) Unintended Pregnancy; (13) Unsafe Abortion; (14) Sexually Transmitted Infections; (15) HIV and AIDS; (16) Voluntary Counselling and Testing; (17) Care and Support for People with HIV and AIDS; (18) Abstinence; (19) Condoms; (20) Preventing Pregnancy; (21) Drug Use; (22) Sexual Violence; and (23) Accommodating Youth with Special Needs. This guide was developed for Public Health Technicians working in the Ministry of Health as part of the KARHP. It can be used also by anyone wishing to broaden his or her understanding of adolescent reproductive health issues and improve his or her ability to communicate with young people.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation