The study sought to unearth the special needs of HIV/AIDS orphans in orphanages and homes with emphasis on education, food, shelter, clothing and affection and guidance and counselling needs. It also tried to make recommendations on how these needs could be met. It was carried out in orphanages mainly in the Manya Krobo, and New Juaben districts in the Eastern Region of Ghana, which are noted for their high death rates resulting from AIDS. The sample consisted of 77 children aged between 6 to 15 years from the two districts (23 from Manya Krobo and 54 from New Juaben) and their caregivers. Altogether it covered about 82 percent of AIDS orphans in the age group in the surveillance of the District Health Management Team (DHMT) in the two districts. Data was collected by trained research assistants. Some of the findings from the study were that the majority of the orphans perceive the provision of food, shelter, education and affection as somewhat adequate however, the guidance and counselling needs were seriously lacking. Clothing provision was however perceived to be very inadequate.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation