This report summarizes a workshop to launch a pilot project known as the District Initiative to collect school-based HIV/AIDS indicators enabling ministries and planners assess the needs of the districts more effectively. The workshop was organized to introduce the District AIDS action Committees (DAACS) and the Ministry of Education to develop District Education Management Information System or DEMIS. DEMIS was developed by the University of Natal to allow for the capture of key management information in schools on a monthly basis. The statistics will provide data on enrollment, absenteeism, pregnancy rates, and those leaving the school systems and why and several others.This information is collected on a monthly basis by the schools and then sent to the district offices where the information can be managed and utilised accordingly.Demis has already been launched in South Africa. This workshop allowed the DAACS, ministries and other stakeholders such as UNESCO and its co-sponsors to tailor the data collection information to the six districts in Zimbabwe.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation