Since the first clinical evidence of HIV/AIDS was reported in 1981, the epidemic continues to escalate at an alarming rate and has now become a full-blown developmental crisis in the world. Africa is the most affected continent and at the end of the year 2002 she had 28.1 million of the world's estimated 42 million people living with HIV. Since the beginning of the epidemic and by the end of 2001 a cumulative 19 million Africans had already died of AIDS.Although just 10% of the world's youth live in Sub-Saharan Africa, the region contained almost three-quarters of all youth living with HIV/AIDS in 2001 - a total of 8.6 million. That is certainly a threat to the future generation of Africa and calls for refocusing of efforts on strategies that have the potential of registering a strong impact in efforts at reducing further spread of the disease.This paper identifies education as a strategy that can be used to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in Ghana. It focuses on both formal school education and general education on HIV/AIDS.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation