This Plan of Action supplements the National Policy by identifying concrete activities in support of these goals. It was developed through a collaborative process involving various stakeholders under the leadership of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare. It also takes into account the views of Namibian children, especially orphans and vulnerable children. The Plan of Action is organised around five strategic areas, which have key objectives and targets: i) Rights and Protection aims to protect and promote the well-being of all OVC, ensuring that the rights of all OVC and their caregivers are protected, respected and fulfilled. Target: All children have access to protection services by 2010. ii) Education aims for all OVC of school-going age to attend school, and provides appropriate educational opportunities for out-of-school OVC. Target: Equal proportions of OVC versus non-OVC aged 16-17 years have completed Grade 10 by 2010. iii) Care and Support aims for the basic needs of all OVC to be met, including adult care and supervision, access to social services and psychosocial support. Target: 50 percent of all registered OVC receive any external support (economic, home-based care, psychosocial and educational) by 2010. iv) Health and Nutrition aims for OVC to have adequate nutrition and access to preventative and curative health services, including anti-retroviral treatment, both in the community and at health facilities. Target: 20 percent reduction in under-five mortality of all children by 2010 / Equal proportions of OVC to non-OVC aged 15-17 years are not infected with HIV by 2010. v) Management and Networking aims for a multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary institutional framework to coordinate and monitor the provision of services and programmes to OVC and their caregivers, and promote action research and networks to share learning. Target: Multi-sectoral coordination and monitoring of quality services to OVC are significantly improved by 2010. The Plan of Action is divided into two volumes: Volume 1 specifies the activities within the strategic areas to achieve the objectives, and Volume 2 is the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, which outlines a detailed system for monitoring and evaluating progress in making this National Plan of Action a reality.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation