This document is prepared as a national guideline for planning behaviour change interventions and activities on HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health [SRH] for the period 2001-2004. The National BCI Strategy is a planning tool, to guide ministries, district planners, NGOs, CBOs, DACCs, learning institutions, faith institutions and employers on effective HIV/AIDS and SRH behaviour change programs. The strategy is also intended to guide donors on areas of support and interventions that require national resources. The BCI Strategy has identified six key social groups for BC interventions. These include young people aged 7-24, men and women engaging in high-risk behaviours, women of childbearing age, opinion leaders, service providers, and policy makers. For each of the 6 key social groups, a detailed matrix for development of implementation plans is provided.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation