National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12. Life Orientation Grade 11 Learner Workbook and Teacher Guide are two complementary documents developed by the Department of Education of Republic of South Africa in 2007. Those documents have been developed to assist teachers with the teaching of Life Orientation in Grade 11 in South Africa. They are intended, primarily, to indicate to teachers the types of activities that can be used to address the Assessment Standards for Life Orientation in Grade 11 in a school year. A variety of relevant texts are provided along with sets of questions. Teachers are encouraged to use the texts provided and to expand on the questions posed to suit their individual circumstances. The documents aim to make learners able: 1) to set goals for personal, study and health aspirations; 2) to analyse consequences and make responsible choices to realise personal potential; 3) to evaluate and improve their state of health by calculating their Body Mass Index and other relevant health-related fitness components; 4) to apply leadership skills in various settings; 5) to identify an issue and render a service to their community and 6) to identify and apply requirements for further study and career options.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation