In recognition of the devastating impact of HIV and AIDS on its constituents: teachers, nonteaching staff and learners and the role education could play as an effective tool in the prevention of and mitigation of HIV and AIDS on the infected and affected, the Ministry of Education established the HIV & AIDS Secretariat in 2002. A number of interventions have been undertaken within the Sector as its contribution towards the national aspiration of preventing HIV infection and providing care and support for those infected. Notable among these interventions is the formation of the Positive Teachers and Educational Workers Association (POTEWA) Ghana with a membership of about 80 drawn from all 10 regions of Ghana. Since the formation of POTEWA, Ghana, a number of activities have been carried out including training in leadership, organizational and advocacy skills to enable members champion the course of POTEWA goals. The purpose of the workshop was to provide an opportunity for POTEWA members to deepen and broaden their knowledge and skills by interacting with participants from other countries. The workshop aimed at providing a common platform for teachers and educational workers living with the virus to discuss issues affecting them. The specific objectives were to: Build capacity of members in accurate HIV & AIDS information, advocacy and how to manage their condition; Share experiences and ideas on the impact of HIV & AIDS on their person, occupation and community.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation