Reproductive Health of Arab Young People is a short article written by J. DeJong of the Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, and G- El-Khoury of Unicef Middle East and North Africa Region from Amman, Jordan, in 2006. It presents the current situation in the Arab region regarding sexual and reproductive services and information. It shows that cultural taboos are still limiting young people's access, especially for those unmarried, to integrated health services including contraception for sexually active adolescents and health education. The conclusions of the document are: i) Arab young people's reproductive health needs are not being fully met due to societal reluctance to address these issues and cultural and religious sensitivities; ii) Health services generally fail to recognise the special needs of this age group, particularly those who are unmarried; iii) Little is known about what young people themselves want in terms of sexual and reproductive health services; v) Pervasive conflict in the region has grave implications for young people's sexual and reproductive health; and v) Innovative small scale programmes exist that could be built on.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation