In June 1999 the SADC Human Resources Development (HRD) Ministers directed the Sector to initiate the development of a regional strategy to complement member States efforts in the fight against the scourge within the education and training sector. Since then, a number of activities have been undertaken which have culminated in the development of a Framework for Regional Action. First of all, a Task Force consisting of Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe was established which initiated the process of developing an education and training sector programme on HIV/AIDS. This process later became part of the broader SADC Multi-Sectoral initiative coordinated by the SADC Health Sector. A total of seven SADC sectors participated in the Multi-Sectoral initiative, namely: health, mining, transport and communications, tourism, culture and information, employment and labour, and human resources development. Each participating sector was to develop its own sector-specific programme which would then be integrated to form the regional Multisectoral Programme. This document reflects the outcomes of the SADC regional sectoral mobilization workshop on HIV/AIDS and Education held in Pretoria, South Africa in February 2001. The workshop, implemented with support from the Belgium Government, brought together participants from ministries of education, the non-government sector, various cooperating partners and private individuals and organizations supporting or involved with HIV/AIDS in education activities in the region. The outcome of the Workshop was this SADC HIV/AIDS in Education Strategic Framework. The Strategic Framework constitutes a statement of selected priorities for regional action by ministries of education, education and training institutions, non-government and community organisations in this sector.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation