This booklet reports the results of a survey conducted in India and Kenya that focused on HIV/AIDS education. The study areas were chosen because they have state sponsored HIV/AIDS curriculum. Over 3,000 parents, teachers and students were surveyed for the report, making this work of interest to teachers, policy makers, parents and community leaders. The report contains seven sections. The beginning consists of an introduction with rationale for the survey, methodology and an executive summary. The next section explores the demand and perceived need for HIV/AIDS education, looking at parental perceptions and perceived risk in schools. Section 2 delves into where young people learn about HIV/AIDS and the roles of different actors (religious leaders, the media, etc) in informing youth. Section 3 looks at policy and selective teaching. Section 4 examines the difficulties encountered in HIV/AIDS education, listing gender issues and the wider crisis in education as some examples among many. The 5th section has conclusions and recommendations and the last has appendices. The report includes 11 tables and charts detailing survey information.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation