The strategic plan is intended to provide guidance to strengthen the capacity, systems and structures of all Ethiopian HEIs to address the causes, challenges and consequences of HIV/AIDS. HEIs have social responsibility to prevent, mitigate and manage the effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic through all aspects of their core operations of teaching, learning, research, and community engagement. This strategic plan document will serve as source for the development of annual plans, prevention packages, communication strategies, as well as different intervention areas such as mainstreaming into education, training, and research and community service. The strategic plan is divided into six parts. Part One gives a brief background of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in HEIs in Ethiopia. It also provides an environmental scan carried out through a SWOT analysis. The chapter briefly examines factors that could present challenges and opportunities in implementing AIDS related activities in HEIs. Part Two is a brief explanation which states the Vision, Mission, Goal, and the strategic objectives. Part Three stipulates the fundamental guiding principles on which this Plan is based. Part Four focuses on five major thematic areas, each incorporating objectives, strategies and activities. These thematic areas include enabling environment, prevention, treatment, care & support, research, and monitoring and evaluation. Part Five provides detail matrix for thematic areas. This part considers each strategic objective and the identified targets, strategies, activities, as well as performance indicators, verification sources and responsibility centers. Part Six presents issues pertaining to coordination and mobilization. It also highlights institutional arrangements for the execution of this plan.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation