This pilot research study on the impact of menstrual hygiene on girls in school is primarily aimed at the Ministry of Education and Sports and the National Sanitation Working Group. Within the context of Uganda, the results of this study will be used to provide evidence-based advocacy on the role of upper primary girls, from the ages of 13-18, whom have started menstruating, with a specific emphasis placed on the issues and challenges that they face at school. The main objective of this study was therefore to focus on (a) the impact of menstrual management on girls in school; (b) the analysis of the role of primary schools in menstrual management; and (c) on possible ways forward around menstrual management that could be implemented from national to primary school level. The focus of this study was the impact of menstrual management on school girls in selected primary schools in seven districts in which SNV works.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation