Emory University, UNICEF Philippines, Plan Philippines and Save the Children Philippines carried out a qualitative assessment of menstruation-related challenges girls face in school. Girls, boys, teachers and mothers at 10 schools in Masbate Province and the National Capital Region were interviewed for their opinions. This report highlights the challenges girls face in school during menses, describes the determinants of these challenges, and outlines the educational and health impacts of these challenges as voiced by the participants. This report concludes with four key recommendations for improving girls’ experiences with menstruation and menstrual hygiene management: 1. Integrate menstruation into reproductive health and hygiene education materials and provide menstruation education that is age appropriate, culturally sensitive and interactive, throughout primary and secondary school. 2. Improve WASH facilities in schools, and develop and enforce systems for WASH facilities maintenance. 3. Establish systems that enable girls to access absorbent materials comfortably, discreetly and when in need. 4. Create support systems to ensure that girls who miss school due to menstruation-related challenges do not miss out on educational opportunities and advancement.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation