In every world region, men who have sex with men (MSM) face significantly higher rates of HIV than the general population. Young people are also at increased risk for HIV, comprising over 40% of new HIV infections worldwide. Young MSM (YMSM) face the heightened risks of both populations, as well as a number of vulnerabilities that are unique to YMSM. Despite the clear need for intervention, YMSM are often left out of research, policy, and programs designed for general MSM, general youth, and the general population. While data on HIV among YMSM are extremely limited, existing studies show high HIV prevalence among YMSM around the world. This policy brief examines HIV risk factors and access to services among YMSM using data from the Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF)’s 2012 Global Men’s Health and Rights survey (2012 GMHR). The brief concludes with a set of recommendations for addressing the global HIV epidemic among YMSM.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation