News | 16 juin 2015
Imagine That: View from the Victims in Anti-Homophobic Bullying Video

imagine that

“I was bullied, I was hated." "I was spat on" "... and I couldn't tell anyone."

UNESCO's new video "Imagine That" puts viewers into the shoes of young people who face this type of type of torment daily as victims of homophobic and transphobic bullying in Asia-Pacific schools.

Young people share their stories and also join in a wider call for action to end school bullying and violence on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression (SOGI/E). The launch of the video comes as the Asia-Pacific Consultation on School Bullying on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression gets underway in Bangkok. More than 100 participants from 13 Asia-Pacific countries will take part in the consultation from 15-17 June, co-hosted with UNDP Bangkok Hub and as part of the Being LGBT in Asia initiative. The consultation aims to review the scope of bullying and violence on the basis of SOGI/E and identifying measures to address the problem.